Document Control for Medical Device Companies

Part of that process is ensuring a document management system is in place, beyond just doc control. Ideally, it’s an electronic document management system since we’re well into the 21st Century now. Surprisingly, many companies are still on paper instead of the cloud.  

So what’s involved to get an eDMS in place?  

Many med device companies do have some kind of document management system in place to produce a required design history file per the FDA’s 13485 guidelines. These companies also need to capture various forms of data from the contract manufacturing organization or CMO, including design verification along with validation testing of their eDMS. 

Additionally, design controls, equipment specifications, materials, and technician training need to be completed. All of this documentation is an integral part of product lifecycle management. 

Before any medical device can be released onto the market, the burden is on device producers to demonstrate that their product does what it’s supposed to. That can be an extremely labor-intensive process since the FDA demands Lots of paperwork documenting everything from the design process to manufacturing specifications. 

In particular, your CMO plays a critical role in developing and maintaining the device master record (DMR). The FDA will check the DMR against your design history record (DHR) to ensure consistency before your product goes to market. 

The DMR could contain thousands of lines of information for complex products. Your manufacturer should have a computerized system, such as product lifecycle management software, to create and maintain the information needed in the DMR. 

A traceability matrix is also invaluable for following the flow of med device development from beginning to end. Traceability requires showing the relationships between all of your design controls, including how design inputs relate to design outputs and how to design validations relate to end-user needs. 

As your customer base grows, so will the many needs of the above increase, and the need for an enterprise document management system. Welcome to Compliance Group’s iQuality eDMS/eQMS to handle all of these needs.   

Back to the potato analogy, if you were to compare another food, the hamburger, to QA and QC, it would look like this, thanks to Royal Chemicals.

And this is why it’s so good to have proper people in place for QA and QC to make your product sizzle! And for burger lovers, who wouldn’t enjoy this kind of Quality Control testing a lot more!

Would you like to know more about Quality Assurance and Quality Control process in your organization? Contact to discuss your needs.

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